Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Times almost up!

Well, I am sitting down and finishing up my "lose ends" with my homework. It is now time to reflect on my experiences. Some of the assignments I have really liked and will probably continue using but yet others are just not right for me, although they may work well for others. I have enjoyed this class, it has definitely put me in state of disequilibrium several times but that is a good thing. It has made me get out of my comfort zone and explore. I am really looking forward to a few weeks break from homework. That will be nice. I joined this cohort so I could be more tech savy and more comfortable and confident with technology and I really think I am reaching my goal. Being out of school for a couple of year though I had forgotten how much work could be involved! Don't get me wrong, I have learned A LOT but I will really enjoy the next couple weeks.

Well, I think this will be my last blog until after class so good luck with your homework and I'll see you in 2 days!


Jennifer said...

That is basically what I have to do. I finally completed my lesson plan (which took forever)! Now, since I downloaded Kompozer (which is fine), I need to learn how to link. I am not understanding that our links won't actually show up on the disc??? I am in a huge state of confusion right now. Now, I am going to write my 1 page reflection on everything--I am not sure if we have to write them for each one--but, knowing me--i probably will anyways. I still haven't heard from Dr. Merrill and I e-mailed him twice. So, hopefully he will let me know what is going on. Don't know about the actual exam--have you heard anything different yet? If I were to take the final on Friday--I am sure I will flunk it! YIKES! Let me know and will see you soon.

KB said...

I too have found some assignments more useful than others. I loved the web chats. I found a classroom discipline one that was great. you could ask a question or give a scenario and get almost instant feedback. It was awesome!

I struggled with the webpage. I'm still trying to figure it out. I did not enjoy the Google group I joined (not our class group)because no one talked. This class has opened my eyes to resources I never knew existed.

Second Grade Teacher said...

I, too, am ready for a break! Your beautiful little one in that photo there must be keeping you on your toes!

I am up too late AGAIN working on coursework, so I should turn in and go snuggle my babies!

Isn't being a mother GREAT?!

Thank you for sharing. Your blogspot looks great! I was looking over some of your past entries, but decided to respond to your most current one!