Sunday, February 17, 2008

Class is done...maybe

Well, my class is done, kinda. I still have to finish my CD and do my essay question, plus I need to start getting ready to leave for Florida. I feel like there is so much I need to get done this week with not much time to do it. Luckily there is no school tomorrow so my 'plan' is to get a lot of it done then, but we all know how well our plans work sometimes! I hope I can get much of it done.

On another note, I am really looking forward to the time away in Florida. Sometimes we just need to get away and I really feel like I do. It will be refreshing, and hopefully warmer. I really pray for warm weather since I am going done there for a wedding and the wedding is on the beach. Yea!

Well, I am going to try to go relax and figure out a game plan for the week. I hope everyone has a great week!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...'re almost done! and i'm sure it'll be so nice and warm in florida! love the bear you made! loveya!