Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Well, it is icy and snowy outside and as much as I want summer to be here I also am ready for November. Why you may ask. I am already tired of the presidential debates and campaigns. Every time I turn on the TV there is more about it. Also, how do you know what and who to believe, and what each person stands for. It is very hard to make an informed decision on any of the candidates. There is so many smear tactics that you don't know what is truth. I must say that I am not one too interested in politics but I also want to make sure to vote and I want my vote to be based on facts, not lies. Does anyone else feel this way?


KB said...

I share your concern. I came across a great website the other day called It is so cool. It has a truth-o-meter. They look at various comments made by the major players of the campaign on each side. The comments are rated on a scale from barely true to true. Check it out if you have time. In the meantime, you better get use to all the political talk.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about this political campaigning. Well, the candidates are dropping out slowly. I wish that meant that the commercials would slowly decline. Yeah right!

I've done some research on a few of the candidates. They change like the weather.