Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Snow days

It is a nice surprise to wake up to a snow day. At my other employment we don't have snow days and now that I am back to subbing I get to experience them again- maybe! Of course today is the day that I work at my other job in the morning and couldn't sub! I hope everyone enjoys their day off and either a) does something productive or b) just relaxes! Have a great day!


CCrisp said...

Yes, Snow days, although not as exciting as I remember as a child are still great sometimes. As a teacher I can see where the time off can be more of a distraction and lead to more work than if there was no snow day, but something about having your school announced as delayed or closed and knowing you can fall back to sleep even if only for an hour still brings a smile to my face. CMU was delayed until 12 on Wednesday and I will admit I liked sleeping in a bit. We shall see what tonight's weather brings us.

Jennifer said...

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE SNOW DAYS! Even though we had our snow day yesterday, I was actually ill :( I was not happy about that, but I did get a lot of desperate sleep that I needed (both me and my son). We slept for like 3 hours --it was great! I am hoping for another snow day tomorrow-but, I think I am hopeful to actually think that our district would actually close 2 of the 5 days in the week! I guess we will see!