Friday, June 19, 2009

The Red Badge of Courage

Question 9:
Why do you think Crane never gives the name of the battle in the novel? Why does he never actually mention the civil War?

Question 8:
Have you noticed a change in Fleming?

Question 7:
What have you noticed about Fleming's relationship with others (i.e. Conklin, Wilson, etc.)?

Question 6:
What emotions were displayed by the soldiers during the war?

Question 5:
Find two pieces of imagery in "The Red Badge of Courage."

Question 4:
Where do most events take place? Why does Crane do this?

Question 3:
Why is Henry referred to as "the youth?"

Question 2:
What happens during Henry's first battle?

Question 1:
What kind of person do you think Henry Fleming is?

Huckleberry Finn

Question 4:
What are some lessons learned in "Huckleberry Finn?"

Question 3:
Compare and contrast Jim and Huck. How is their relationship different than that of Tom and Huck?

Question 2:
There are many internal and external conflicts written in chapters 1-15. Describe three of them.

Question 1:
How has the point of view in "Huckleberry Finn" written differently than "Tom Sawyer?"

Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Question 9:
What do you think happened to Tom as he got older?

Question 8:
Do you agree with the ending of "Tom Sawyer?" What would you change about the ending?

Question 7:
What has Tom learned in this novel? Have you noticed any changes in Tom in the novel?

Question 6:
Why is the event in the graveyard so important in this novel?

Question 5:
Tom is quite imaginative in this novel. Why do you think he is so creative and imaginative? What are the positives and negatives of being so creative?

Question 4:
Explain the relationship between Tom and Huck.

Question 3:
How would you describe Tom?

Question 2:
How is "Tom Sawyer" different than other books written during this time?

Question 1:
What do you think Twain's purpose for writing "Tom Sawyer" was?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Here is a video I did for one of my was my favorite assignment!


I know it has been a long time since I have posted a blog. Life has been a little crazy this summer and it looks like it isn't going to get any better! On a good note I am over half way done with my master's program....YAY! I have now finished 6 out of 11 classes. My next class is up in the air because they changed the weekend dates to it last minute and I can't go to the Saturday classes. I called CMU to see what my options were and I may be able to do an independent study for it or I can take it through the main campus, up in Mt. Pleasant...which is a lot farther than Saginaw. Also, the main campus class is 4 weekends instead of 3 so it is a lot more driving (and with gas prices...OUCH!), not to mention I would have to take 4 Saturday off work and stay in a hotel room. Another downside of that option is it starts in September but doesn't finish until December. Meanwhile my second fall class starts in October and ends in November. One class at a time is rough but there is no way I could do 2 and these overlap! I pray I will be able to do the independent study. I can make it to the Friday classes but 2 1/2 of the Saturdays I would have to miss....which is a lot of class time. GRRR! I thought I was supposed to rest and relax during my month off of such luck.

In other news, the brunch that I help put on every summer turned out great this year and I am once again amazed at my God above! I could see him working all around me. Our goal this year was 340 people and we had 354. We were running out of seats! Our speaker arrived safely and she was phenomenal! What an amazing testimony she has!

Things with Adopt a Pet are going great and I have been trying to volunteer as much as I can this summer since I can't during the school year. I just helped out at the last event for the summer last weekend. Currently I am fostering 2 6 weeks old puppies that are adorable!

OK, I'm headed to actually read a book for pleasure...thanks for reading!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It's spring!

I know I haven't posted in a while but things have been a little crazy in my life. I am almost done with another class, yea! In my spare time I have been trying to help my sister make a scrap book for my nephew's openhouse. It has been a lot of fun looking at the old pictures! Memorial weekend I went to my friends, Maria & Aaron's, house for their son's baptism. It was great to see friends from college and we had a lot of fun catching up! I am so excited to have some more gorgeous weather so I can work outside and also just relax in the sun....with my flip flops!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Well, my next class has started and so my works begins. I am starting to feel overloaded and that there are not enough hours in the day to finish my work. I am looking forward to spring break next week so I won't be working as many hours and maybe I can get A LOT done...that's the plan anyways but we all know how well plans work sometimes. I don't think the work would be so bad if there weren't so many chapters to read and if the text wasn't so boring. I am having a hard time reading the book and then understanding what I read well enough to answer the questions. I have the night off and I really should get some done...but all I want to do is go take a nap!